"...heartbreaking, brilliant...Gabriel Jason Dean has written a handful of a role in his handful of a play, a tale of Southern Gothic horror where fantasy and reality, past and present, freely intermingle." -- The New York Times
"Feisty as hell...theatrical magic..." -- The New Yorker
"...an emotional tour de force...it buzzes with the potential as the next great play in the pantheon of American theater." -- Stage Buddy
"Five stars! The most emotional ride we've taken Off-Broadway..." -- Opplaud
"...a masterful new work of great power and beauty." -- Broadway World (Austin)
"WOW. TERMINUS is exactly what this country needs right now." -- Yes Broadway
"Of sprawling imaginative power, yet focused in delivery, it takes on a tremendous weight – the intractable problem of race in the United States – and conveys something both gripping and original, marshaling with near-flawless mastery a bevy of time-honored stage techniques." -- *Blogcritics
"The tension below the surface in TERMINUS simmers like the water in an electric kettle screaming before it boils over. " -- Broadway World (NYC)
"...a heartfelt, compelling drama that is a definite must-see." -- Off Off Online
"...a great play; part of an important, groundbreaking cycle of American work that we can only hope will receive the widespread national attention it deserves." -- Austin-American Statesman
“...by the finale of TERMINUS, I was not merely shaken; my jaw had literally dropped. I found myself unable to take notes as my eyes remained transfixed on the spectacle I was witnessing, awaiting the curtain call so that I may breathe deep once more.” -- Austin Entertainment Weekly
“The playwright’s dialogue is clever, sharp and memorable, and he has carpentered a framework and plot of great satisfaction.” -- CTX Live Theatre
The Dionysian Interview
Hollywood Soapbox Interview
The VORTEX Production Trailer
The Playwrights’ Center Interview
PlayPenn Interview
HowlRound Feature
The Alcalde Magazine Feature